Discover Sustainable Living in San Diego

Welcome to Bluedot Living San Diego, your go-to source for climate news and solutions in America's Finest City. Meet your neighbors who are taking steps toward change, browse local in-season recipes, and find advice on ways to reduce your impact on Earth at home and in your neighborhood.

Discover Sustainable Living in San Diego

Welcome to Bluedot Living San Diego, your go-to source for climate news and solutions in America's Finest City. Meet your neighbors who are taking steps toward change, browse local in-season recipes, and find advice on ways to reduce your impact on Earth at home and in your neighborhood.

Local San Diego

Get to Know Your Sustainably-Minded Neighbors

Dear Dot

Dear Dot: What’s the Best Way to Store Leftovers? 

A reader wonders how long leftover food lasts in the refrigerator and how best to store it. Dot has the answers!

Dear Dot: How Can I Smell Good Without Toxic Chemicals?

How can you verify that the perfume you want to buy is free of harmful synthetic chemicals? Dot is here to give you some tips.


Clean, Green Recipes

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